Shenzhen PioCreat 3D Technology Co., Ltd.



Industry 3D printing equipment

Has 3D printing technology brought great changes to dentistry?


Application of 3D printing in dental industry

With the development of science and technology, the application of 3D printing technology is becoming more and more extensive. From the initial concept to industrial application, it can now play a role in the medical field. The most obvious is the dental industry. Now the dental clinics in the streets are all touting digital dental clinics, and 3D printer is the most important link to realize digital oral cavity. With the progress of supporting digital scanning technology and dental design software, 3D printing can instantly generate the data of scanning design into auxiliary accessories that make oral treatment safer and more efficient, such as implant guides that increase the accuracy of surgery, dental models that are convenient for doctors to simulate and strengthen the communication between doctors and patients, temporarily applied crowns, stent waxes, denture bases, comfortable, beautiful and efficient transparent orthodontic braces, and even auxiliary guides for the treatment of dental pulp.

Advantages of 3D printing technology in dental industry

For the highly competitive dental clinic, the breakthrough and popularization of 3D printing technology has brought a more efficient diagnosis and treatment mode to the dental clinic. Compared with traditional implant surgery, it not only depends on the experience of doctors, but also on the uncertainty and cumbersome and complex processes brought by free hands. Patients are miserable, and doctors' work is also slow. Dental 3D printers bring not only an efficient diagnosis and treatment mode of immediate diagnosis and treatment beside the chair, The application of digital planting guide plate can accurately judge the direction, depth and final repair effect of planting. Doctors only need to operate according to the established plan.

3D printing can greatly save costs

In the past, dental clinics needed to cooperate with technicians. Dental models and crowns all depended on technicians. On the one hand, it increased labor costs. On the other hand, due to the timeliness of transportation, it often took four or five times to treat a patient, which not only lost customers, but also reduced the efficiency of doctors' reception and reduced the profitability of clinics. 3D printing can help dental clinics immediately make dental models, simplify the diagnosis and treatment process, enable doctors to receive patients more efficiently, and no longer need to rely on technicians, saving labor costs and transportation costs.

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